International Students



Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Accounting Overview

如果你对数字很有一套,想要成为业务运营的中心, then you may want to consider a career in accounting. Accountants are vital to a company’s success, tracking income and assets, preparing financial statements, and evaluating returns on investments.  

十大正规网堵平台提供工商管理/会计专业理学学士学位两个学位课程. The Accounting Data Analytics Track 为学生提供了一个参与审计和分析知识的机会,增加了他们的会计浓度. 组织正在寻找数据驱动的观点和决策.

Additionally, the General Accounting Track 教授审计和个人税务的其他主题, providing students with a broad overview of accounting. 审计的重点是培养学生跟踪和核实会计交易及其来源时,审查财务报告,以满足组织目标. 

事实上,任何组织,无论是公共的、私人的还是政府的,都离不开会计的支持. 如果这听起来像是你的职业,可以考虑十大正规网堵平台的全年课程. In as little as 2.5 years, 你可以获得工商管理学士学位,主修会计.

Program Description

Business Administration Program Description

十大正规平台的理学士工商管理(BSBA)计划, students develop decision-making, problem-solving, 以及基于实践知识和商业基础应用的领导技能. 学生研究与会计相关的商业理论, management, analytics, and operations.

该计划为学生创造了一个独特的机会,探索商业的各个方面,因为它们与当今的全球环境有关. The focus on real-world application, case studies, interactive activities, 并将相关场景编织到十大正规平台框架中,以发展和增强分析能力, professional, and organizational skills. 课程整合了商业环境的功能领域, such as finance, accounting, marketing, and management.

At 十大正规平台, BSBA计划在结合时事的同时满足行业需求, topics, business theories, and technological concepts. 学生协同工作,同时应用概念来完成基于现实世界场景的十大正规平台. 该计划提供了一个难得的机会,获得和实践在任何当代商业环境中取得成功所必需的专业技能和行业知识.

Accounting Concentration Description

Our curriculum is grounded in fundamentals of accountancy, with classes focusing on both theory and application. Coursework covers a variety of core subjects including:

  • Standard practices of the accounting profession
  • The role of technology in the accounting profession
  • 财务报表的编制:GAAP和IFRS会计方法
  • Integration of accounting systems and financial reporting
  • 准备个人、公司和非营利组织的纳税申报表
  • Governmental accounting
  • 欺诈检测和威慑以及会计计算机取证
  • 详细执行会计和商业管理专业人员所要求的道德标准
  • 会计与管理理论在决策中的应用与实践, business strategy, and technical solutions relating to management
  • 批判性思维和财务分析业务因素,包括会计, operations management, technology, and globalization
  • 了解全球和技术会计和业务流程以及管理领导能力

然而,要使知识真正有用,就必须加以应用. 这就是十大正规网堵平台大学要求学生在学习期间完成两次实习, which allows them to gain real-world experience. 

Additionally, 我们提供工商管理/会计专业理学士学位课程. The Accounting Data Analytics Track and General Accounting Track, 每条赛道都为学生提供了一个参与审计和数据驱动分析知识的机会,这些知识增加了他们的会计浓度以及审计和个人税收的其他主题, respectively.

Possible Career Track

Upon completion, 获得工商管理理学学士学位(主修会计)的毕业生,可在以下行业和经济部门从事职业:

  • Staff accountant
  • Tax accountant
  • Budget analyst
  • Auditor
  • Forensic accountant

Program Requirements

Core Curriculum

40 semester credit hours

Course ID Course Name Credits
ACC160 Principles of Accounting I 3
ACC161 Principles of Accounting II 3
BUS121 Introduction to Business 3
BUS222 Ethics in Business 3
BUS298 Externship-BUS III 3
BUS331 Management Information Systems 3
BUS480 Strategic Planning & Implementation 3
BUS480L Strategic Planning & Implementation LAB 1
ECO201 Macroeconomics 3
ECO202 Microeconomics 3
FIN350 Financial Management 3
HRM211 Introduction to Human Resources Management 3
LAW225 Legal Environment of Business 3
MKT214 Marketing Management 3

Arts and Sciences

31 semester credit hours

Course ID Course Name Credits
CAP480 Arts and Sciences Capstone 3
COM115 Principles of Communication 3
ENG110 College Composition 3
ENG120 Advanced Composition 3
HUM205 Culture and Diversity: Exploring the Humanities 3
MTH131 College Algebra 3
MTH140 Statistics 3
PHY120 Physics 3
PHY120L Physics LAB 1
PSY105 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSY220 Positive Psychology 3


6 semester credit hours

Course ID Course Name Credits
CIS108 Office Applications 2
COR191 Career Orientation 1
FOR110 Essentials for Success 3

Concentration Requirements


21 semester credit hours

Course ID Course Name Credits
ACC309 Managerial Accounting for Managers 3
ACC319 Intermediate Accounting I 3
ACC321 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACC322 Intermediate Accounting III 3
ACC330 Cost Accounting 3
ACC480 Advanced Accounting I 3
ACC481 Advanced Accounting II 3

Accounting Data Analytics Track

23 semester credit hours

Course ID Course Name Credits
ACC470 Auditing I 3
ACC471 Auditing II 3
BAN317 Data Analytics and Business Forecasting 3
  Various Electives 14

General Accounting Track

23 semester credit hours

Course ID Course Name Credits
ACC206 Personal Income Tax I 3
ACC470 Auditing I 3
ACC471 Auditing II 3
  Various Electives 14

Elective Courses

Course ID Course Name Credits
ACC206 Personal Income Tax I 3
ACC309 Managerial Accounting for Managers 3
BUS102 Fundamentals of Customer Service 3
BUS224 Change Management 3
BUS226 Managerial Processes & Communications 3
BUS242 Technology Optimization 3
BUS303 Organizational Leadership and Management 3
BUS316 Foundations of Decision Making 3
BUS328 Business Process Improvement 3
BUS328L Business Process Improvement LAB 1
BUS345 e-Commerce & Technology 3
BUS409 Organizational Dynamics: Motivation and Leadership 3
BUS436 International Business 3
BUS496 Externship-BUS Sr. I-a 1
BUS497 Externship-BUS Sr. I-b 1
BUS498 Externship-BUS Sr. I-c 1
BUS499 Externship-BUS Sr. III 3
CIS106 Logic and Design 3
CIS121 Externship-BUS Sr. III 3
CIS150 Introduction to Networking 3
CIS223 Introduction to Databases 3
CIS282 Web Interface Design 3
HRM443 Staffing and Workforce Diversity 3
HRM463 Compensation and Benefits 3
LAW225 Legal Environment of Business 3
MKT440 Global Marketing 3
OPM227 Operations Management 3
OPM472 Applied Project Management 3
OPM472L Applied Project Management LAB 1
SOC100 Introduction to Sociology 3

选修课-根据先决条件,从BA和/或BS组织领导的任何课程. General electives from other programs and schools.

Possible Outcomes

Business Administration Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • 描述适用于本地和全球环境的商业原则和能力.
  • 评估定性和定量会计和财务问题, using appropriate tools and technology.  
  • Create effective plans that maximize business results.  
  • Apply ethical behavior, professional standards, and social responsibility in the practice of business.
  • Demonstrate effective professional business communication.

Accounting Concentration

In today's marketplace, business, industry, government, 非营利组织需要高质量和接近实时的财务信息来在当地竞争, national, and global markets.

会计是能为管理层提供这些关键信息的关键人物. 没有会计,任何组织都无法有效运作. 我们的工商管理理学学士学位(会计学方向)为学生提供了对会计原理的深入理解. 会计学毕业生准备在公共会计、商业或政府部门从事职业.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • 运用会计原则记录公司财务状况的财务信息并进行分析.

Accounting Data Analytics Track

会计数据分析轨道为学生提供了一个机会,与审计和分析的知识,增加了他们的会计浓度参与. Organizations want data-driven perspectives and decisions. 额外的分析重点允许学生在结合财务和会计见解的同时查看数据输出. 

*students interested in sitting for the CPA exam, depending on state of residence, will need thirty upper division accounting credits.  

General Accounting Track

一般会计轨道涵盖审计和个人税收的额外主题, providing students with a broad overview of accounting. By taking the additional core areas, 学生有望成为全面发展的会计专业毕业生. 审计的重点是培养学生跟踪和核实会计交易及其来源时,审查财务报告,以满足组织目标.